Saturday, August 11, 2007

Miracle of Miracles!

“There will be no public celebration of the pre-Vatican II rites until I am assured that they can be celebrated well and in accord with Summorum Pontificum’s terms.” Bishop Conlon, Diocese of Steubenville

Miracles are happening all around us in the wake of Pope Benedict XVI’s July 7th Motu Proprio liberating the Ancient Roman Rite of Mass, which was never abrogated. Our dear Bishops, our shepherds, after years of oppression, are, for the first time, emboldened to demand liturgical excellence from their priests—at least those who intend to offer what is being called the “extraordinary” rite of Mass. How very encouraging to be reminded that it has been our bishops who have been diligently preserving an understanding of the Latin language and ancient liturgy all these years, so that they may now put that hard work to good use in approving the competency of all the priests in their dioceses who intend to begin offering the ancient liturgy in this ancient language starting this September 14. It must be a mark of their profound humility, to give just one example, that rather than humiliate the Holy Father by openly correcting the persistent improper translation, in the Novus Ordo Missae, of the Latin “pro multis” from “for all” to “for many” they have waited humbly these almost 40 years for the Holy Father to correct an error that even elementary students of Latin must have known all along. How they must have suffered under the cross of personal criticism whilst engaged in this courageous effort to hide their father’s nakedness. I’m confident that these bishops will be more than happy to divert diocesan funds in order that as many priests from their dioceses as desire can attend the training seminars being offered by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in how to offer the Traditional Latin Mass “well and in accord with Summorum Pontificum’s terms.”

The fact is that their obviously imbalanced enforcement of the two different sets of rubrics, the Novus Ordo Missae, and the Traditional Latin Mass according to the 1962 Missal, sends a very clear and resounding message:

What is perfect must ever remain so, and what was never perfect, and hence ever changing, was never worth the trouble to safeguard in the first place.
Heaven preserve us!

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